yuanpeng / snippet.py

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1 файл(-ов)
Последняя активность 1727727531
1 if "-" in str(energy_theory[0]):
2 energy_theory = energy_theory[1:]
3 Percentage_theory = Percentage_theory[1:]

yuanpeng / submit.slurm

0 лайк(-ов)
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2 файл(-ов)
Последняя активность 1724953666

Run Jobs on NERSC

  1. First, download the RMCProfile package on Linux platform here and untar it somewhere in our home directory. Once logged onto NERSC from terminal, we can do this,

    wget https://yr.iris-home.net/rmclinux -O RMCProfile_V6.7.9_Linux_64.tgz
    tar xzvf RMCProfile_V6.7.9_Linux_64.tgz
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